Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl 2013...

I have learned through out the last 10 years 
that I can be a very competitive person when it comes to sports.
yep, I'm that mom that is on sidelines cheering pretty loud, 
or screaming a few things here and there. 
Not the prettiest side of me... I have to admit.
But becoming a mom of an athletic little guy has taught me 
that I love sports and sometimes I'm even tempted to go out 
to the field and show them how it's really done.

Well as most of you probably did last night, 
we stayed home and watched the Super Bowl and wow... 
that was a suspenseful game.

We of course were cheering for the red and gold our SF 49ers.
It was definitely a roller coaster of a game to watch 
but a great game to watch with the family.
Even though we didn't win, We made the best of that night with great memories...
great dancing to Beyonce and the reunion to Destiny's Child...
good laughs thanks to the famous Super Bowl Commercials... 
yummy food to enjoy...
and of course the fact that this 2 teams made history and it inspired new 
generations to not let go of their dreams...
That's all that matters at the end.

What was your favorite part of the Super Bowl? 

 Fave Commercials of the Night...