Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Angel Charlee

 Credits to Brendan Clary Art

“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” 

 Love you Forever... I've read this book a million times to my kids and not once have I been able to truly finish it without a tear in my eye. This last week I've had more of an eye opening experience of making sure that I remind my babies how much they truly mean to me and how lucky I am to be their mommy.

As a mom I can only imagine how hard it would be to say goodbye to your child for the last time or to give them their last kiss, to hold their little hands for the last time, to sing them their last song, or read them their last story.

My heart aches to know that I know someone that is going through all of those things right now and there is nothing I can do or say that will make things better. But the one thing I know, pray for them to have the strength and faith that one day this beautiful little girl will see her Daddy and Mommy in heaven again.

I met Charlee and her family about 6 years ago when we moved to Salt Lake City. A beautiful family with full of life. A husband and wife that love and adore each other and 3 amazing little kids. You could say a pretty perfect, happy, healthy family. Their lives turned around in May 2011, when Charlee was just 3 1/2 years old. It all started with her having seizures and so much more along the way then just a year ago, Charlee was diagnosed with a genetic disease called Late Infantile Batten Disease, a condition that will take her life within a few short years... In the last week those few short years have become a few days for sweet Charlee to be on this earth with her loving earthly parents and brother and sister.  

I am asking all my readers, my friends and family to Please, Please help this family, take a minute to share Charlee's story and help this amazing, loving family in donating at least $5.00 it would make a difference, a blessing to this family. A Go Fund Me has been created for sweet Charlee to help with all her medical and funeral expenses. So please Share her story and let's keep her and her sweet family in our prayers. 

 Donations Go Fund Me Account: Our Angel Charlee