Tuesday, February 19, 2013

One day at a time...

Life has been pretty hectic around here lately... I won't lye.
I guess you can blame it on the very not nice weather...
or you can blame it on the fact that we are officially a one car family...
the fact that I am 28 years old and haven't figured everything out yet...
or I can blame it on my PTA Stress level, 
which is definitely the easiest thing I can blame it on...lol.

Whatever it is. It's about time that I get a vacation.... make that for 2. 
Me and my honey Boo, which God knows we deserve one.
I'd prefer somewhere very warm, with nice sandy beaches while listening to 
Bob Marley or Jack Johnson and sipping on coconut mango smoothie.
yep... that sounds pretty good to me.

But no matter what everything that happens is a learning experience.
I just have to remember how lucky I am to have a home, a loving husband, 
2 wonderful healthy kids that love me even with all my craziness...
So many loyal family members and friends that are always there to have my back.
So like my husband says take it one day at a time... 
which is the best that I can do for now.