Tuesday, July 1, 2014


You know when you tell yourself you want something so much and then when you have it you don't want it anymore, then you start appreciating all the beautiful, little things that you had before... Well that was me just a few months ago and to my surprise it was harder then I ever imagined.

For the last 10 years I couldn't wait to go back to work one day,  I loved been a Stay Home Mom, took my title very proudly and was truly lucky to not have to worry about leaving my kids with a complete stranger to watch over them and enjoy their little milestones. I was blessed to be there for them and to know that if they ever needed me I was right there for them.

I got offered a part time job and loved it very much, but after the 2nd week I realized that I had spend the last 10 years complaining about getting a job and not to much time preparing myself in productive way, balancing my home life. I went from been a super over compulsive person to been a very laid back person at home and to my disadvantage that didn't help that much when it was time to go back to work. I guess you can say I took my mother in laws advice that she gave me 10 years ago, that she had received from her mother in law a little to far. When my oldest was just a baby she came to my house and saw me cleaning all the time, I wanted to be the perfect pretty little wife, with a clean home with a toddler. One day in one of our many visits, she noticed I was feeling stressed because I had been cleaning all day. She looked at me and said "Honey, your house can wait but Drake will only be little once, it's better to have a messy home then to have a grouchy mommy"  I took her advice and tried little by little to try to live by that rule... but somehow I translated that advice through out the years to " Good Moms, have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens & happy kids" yep... now I dislike that quote.

I had a complete new appreciation for full time moms, single working moms. By the 3rd week of working I was crying in my lunch breaks in my car, because I felt like I was so behind on things at home. I barely was home and with dance, baseball and skate competitions the weekends were out of the questions to catching up on work at home. I felt guilty talking to anyone about it, after all this is what I had wanted for so long and now that I was working I was wishing I was home been productive doing things to better my home. I felt that I had taken everything I ever had for granted for so long and now it was to late to go back.

Thankfully I have a husband that tries to listen to my feelings the best he can and friends and family that actually listen instead of judging me. I was so excited for the last day of work, it almost felt like the last day of school... Silly, I know. I'm so grateful for the experience I had to realized all the things that I could work on to better my life. It was definitely an eye opener and now I see my home in such a different way, I hope that when I do go back to work in the fall it will be a better experience, a positive one. I'm learning to balance my life and I don't think I will ever stop learning how to do so, but that's ok. I'll take it one day at a time and Appreciate and be grateful for what I have in front of me.