Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween ohhhhhsss...

October was definitely a crazy, crazy month and even though I was so ready for it to be done I looked forward to Halloween and dressing up my kids and going trick or treating!!!
I am so glad that Halloween was such a great success this year...
The best part of it, we didn't have to spend $80 a costume and both kids still looked amazing and had a great time. 

School Parade was a success, Trick or Treating was perfect and
Drake got some goodies from his Grandpa that attended the 1st SF Giants World Series Game and he was a happy little boy, jumping of joy!!!  

For Halloween Drake was a San Francisco Giants World Series Elmo Baseball Player and Annita was a Zombie BYU Cheerleader and poor girl got so many "Ooh I don't know if I should get you some candy" those darn hard core "Ute Lovers" but they were all forgiven even though they broke her little heart, at the end of it all she said to me that even though everyone doesn't like the team that she likes, she will still like them and not say mean things to them even if they like a different team. Now that's a pure heart and I love her for that.