Tuesday, April 10, 2012


so it's 11:50 at night and it's officially 10 minutes till my baby brother is 16 YEARS OLD!!! 
yep... the BIG ONE AND 6.
I guess this also means that I am getting OLDER!!!

I was 12 years old when my mami and papi announced to their 3 beautiful princesses that we were finally going to have a baby brother.
Something we had been wishing for a very very long time.
The day he came home from the hospital was a very magical day, a day I would never be able to forget!!!

Me and Denny (my oldest sis) we were home cleaning the house and decorating it, so everything could look nice so when you and mami got home it could be all perfect...

We got some flowers from the garden, tulips to be exact.
made some homemade cards...
then decorated the front door with a big sign saying 
of  course you had no clue what was going on but we thought you did for some funny reason. 
We were just so excited to be your big sisters...
To be able to help mami dress you up, feed you and play with you.
You were the chunkiest baby ever but you were also the most adorable baby we had seen. We loved you even before you came to this world, 
before we even knew that mami was pregnant. 
We prayed for years that mami could get pregnant again and that we could have a baby brother. We were tired of all girls and poor papi all the drama he had to deal with us we knew we needed you in our lives. 

So this letter is to you my Sweet Lil'Efrain,

Today, you turned sixteen.
A very important day in your teenage life.
A day you've been waiting for a very long time to come...
You've seen the good and bad in life, you've gone through some hard trials that most kids won't ever experience. Your a survivor and your a hero to many and now that you are older and so much more wiser it's up to you to remember all you have been taught...

Remember that you have a whole life ahead of you, 
don't rush into things right away...
there is a time and place for everything...

Remember that you have been sent to this world for a 
very special reason you hold a very important job in your hands...
Soon you will see and figure it out.

Remember that it's okay to fail at times and to fall into 
certain temptations, that's why you have a forgiving God that
loves you...Just remember to get back up!!!

Remember to always stand up for what you believe in.
To always remember who you are, what you have been taught, remember to be yourself...

Remember to treat other girls with respect, kindness and 
to treat them like princesses.They are beautiful flowers and
need to be treated beautifully.

Remember that Mom and Dad love you and that even though at times you might think they are trying to make your life miserable, their not... I promise, they love you and want the best for you.

Remember to not judge others, they too could be facing hard trials in life. No one is perfect...
Remember to be careful with the words that you say, because once they come out they can only be forgiven, not forgotten...

Remember that any decisions you make in your life right now could affect the rest of your life and those that you love...

Remember to not let anyone make you feel like your anything less.
Be who you want to be, not what others want to see...

Remember to surround yourself with people that are going to make you a better you and help others see their full potential.

Remember how important you are to so many that love you. 
How so many little ones look up to you and adore you...

Remember to not regret anything that has happen or you have done in your life but instead learn from it...


love your sis. Ani