Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Here is a quick 2 in 1 tutorial of how to make some fun Valentines Decorations!!! With my lovely Mod Podge Friend!!!

You will need:
Mod Podge (of course)

Poly Brush

Frame or XOXO Letters(OR BOTH)

Scisscors or A Sharp Cutting Razor
Valentines Scrapbooking Paper

Cricut or your silhouette if you are making the I love you frame!!! Or just cut it by hand


1st: Cut your S.Paper to fit your Frame Cardboard & XOXO Letters

2nd: Start Mod Podging your letters and frame and let them dry...

Now while your waiting for that start cutting your frame I love you shape

By now your frame should be done drying...

Mod Podge your I love you shape to your Valentines paper, once again mod podge on top of that.
Do the same to your letters to give it the finish touch. 

Now It's done!!!
You have some cute Valentines Decorations

I got my letters at Roberts Arts & Crafts and my paper at Joanns

~Here is some coupons~