Thursday, October 25, 2012

time to enjoy nature...

time surely flies by so fast 
this year is almost done and I feel like there is so much that i still have to do on my to do list...
with been a Full time stay at home Mommy & Wife
and trying to be the best Full time PTA Co-President
It has become hard to find time to blog and I miss it oh so much, to just be able to sit in front of my computer and pour my heart away on what I consider The Diary of my Life now days.

A few weeks back we were able to enjoy a family camping trip to get my honey ready for his deer hunt this year and enjoy the beginning of fall. We love the outdoors so anytime we have a chance to spend time as a family outdoors we take advantage of it. That's what we did, we got in the car and drove 4 hours away to the beautiful Ashley National Forest and it was an amazing experience. Plus it's always nice to know where my honey is going to go for his hunt!!!