Wednesday, July 4, 2012

a beautiful place to call HOME!!!

I arrived in the states when I was just 8 years old...
at that time I didn't have a choice to say 
if I wanted to come or not
but you 'betcha' that I let my parents know 
that I was not a happy child.
In my mind I thought how could they do this to me...
how could they make me come to a total strange place...
how could they make me leave all my friends behind...
how could they want me to leave the culture I had
grown up to know my whole life...
which again, I was only 8 years old and I thought I knew it all...

Now more then 20 years later...
I am grateful for the decision my parents made for me and my sisters, for us as a family to bring us to the United States of America.
For everything they left behind to give us a better life 
and a safe place to live...
because of all those things and more I am grateful to 
have such amazing and brave parents.

The United States is my home now and I am proud to say
that I love living in such a beautiful country. 
I am proud of being an American...I hope everyone had an amazing 4th of July next to your loved ones and that we can remember how lucky we are to be living in this Country that we call home.