Friday, January 21, 2011

A little bit more about me...

Thank you for everyone that is showing me support on my blog!!! It means a lot... But for some of you that might be wondering who is AA exactly?? Well I'm here to answer some of those questions :)

What does AA Dreams stand for?
It stands for Ani Allen (Not for Alcoholics Anonymous, My husband told me I should probably verify that., LOL)

Where is Ani Allen from?
I was born in Lima, Peru and leaved in Ecuador most of my young life. When I was 8 years old, My family and I moved to Happy Provo, Utah where I grew up. When I had a chance to move from Provo, I did. But I totally love going back and I consider myself a Proud Provo Girl it was an amazing place to grow up in!!!

What did you want to be when you grew up?
I always loved Arts, my parents really planted that in my heart at a very young age. So I always dreamed of becoming a Fashion Designer and making people feel beautiful inside and out. I just wanted to be a famous person (What little girl doesn't though.
I use to invite friends over to try to give them a makeover.
It might sound mean but I wanted them to love themselves.

Why did you want to name your blog AA Dreams?
Since a teenager, I knew what the name of my designs where going to be called someday "Dreams". So that's why I named it Ani Allen's Dreams because for now this is my dream!!!

How old are you?
I am 26 years old and I don't feel like it yet. I feel like I am still a 18 years old. It's definetely not a good thing I need to remember it's not all about having fun!!!

If you had to describe yourself in 10 words what would they be?
Loving, Outgoing, Dreamer, Accepting, Enthuthiastic, Honest, Perfectioness, Funny, Trusting, Caring.

How did you meet your hubby?
We met in High School Juniour year to be exact. The first time i saw him he walked into the lunchroom and I asked all my friends who he was ( I had just moved back to that school). They said to not even waste my time with him because he thought he was too good for all the girls at the school. Little did I know that he was thinking the same thing I was. LOL!!! I set my mind into getting to know him because their was something extra special about him. So a few days later I got his number through a very immature High School call telling him that I had a "crush" on him and we started talking on the phone. Then later on I went off to work and when I got there I got fired and as soon as left from their I called him too see if he wanted to talk and since then we have been side to side unconditionally. He was definetely my Prince Charming that rescued me!!!

What kind of music do you listen to?
I love listening to a little bit of everything. No matter what I have my music on at all times. My hubby says he feels bad for the Pandora radio cause it never sleeps. I just love music!!!

What is your favorite movies of all time?
The Notebook, What dreams may come, A walk to remember, Dragonfly, Selena (what growing up I wanted to be her. Lol!!), Enchanted, Beauty and the Beast, Chocolat and so many more if they have a good message behind it...

Well that's all the time I have right now so I dont wake up and be a grouchy beast. To get to know me more click on "About Me"