Sunday, January 9, 2011


One of favorite things to do is receive or buy clothes for
 very cheap that I know I could give it a makeover
and make it fit!!! Annita loves cardigans and of course I love sewing!!! Well cousins gave Annita a handidown cardigan that didn't fit them anymore, of course it was to big for her but she still loved it and wanted to wear it all the time. But it was so huge on her :( So this weekend we finally decided to make it perfect for her. So here is a little tutorial of how you can buy something that you definetely love (but its too big on you) make it perfect for you or your little one!!!
If you have extra fabric you can even make a cute headband (In this tutorial as you will see the cardigan came with a cute little bow so we didn't have to do much!!!

Now I have a happy girl with a beautiful cardigan and headband!!!